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Voucher Hotel Murah di RajaKamar.Com

3:19 PM

Voucher Hotel Murah di RajaKamar.Com - adalah tawaran yang di berikan raja kamar kepada kita, dengan discount besar besara. kan lagi trend tu discount besar-besaran, semua orang mau yang murah tapi berkualitas, ih payah banget sih orang indonesia, tapi gimanalagi, uwdah adat istiadat kali ya.

tapi sebenarnya ada apa Voucher Hotel Murah di RajaKamar.Com ? kok semua pada ribut di internet, mau tau kenapa?

nih, raja kamar lagi buat kontes sekaligus bahan promosi kali, hadiahnya besar, total hadiah ada 20 jutaan, siapa yang beruntung kayak pokoknya,, hahahha. nih KW nya Voucher Hotel Murah di RajaKamar.Com. dan ini hadiah untuk sang juara:

Juara I : Uang Tunai Rp. 5.000.000,- + Voucher hotel
Juara II : Uang Tunai Rp. 3.000.000,- + Voucher hotel
Juara III : Uang Tunai Rp. Rp. 2.000.000,- + Voucher hotel
Juara : IV s/d X : Uang Tunai Rp. 500.000,- + Voucher hotel

wah tentu asik nih kalau bisa menang, makanya pada ikutan kontes  Voucher Hotel Murah di RajaKamar.Com ini, entar siapa yang dapat bagi-bagi, jangan makan sendiri,, hehehe.. 

semoga tawran raja kamar tentang Voucher Hotel Murah di RajaKamar.Com tidak pernah berubah sampai kapanpun dan tidak berhenti buat kontes. :D

Jennifer Love Hewitt Finally Found a Man

11:20 PM

Jennifer Love Hewitt Finally Found a Man - Continuing her quest to find a man, any man, to choose one of three pre-selected engagement rings from her purse, here’s Jennifer Love Hewitt with a tranny last night after she hosted bingo at a burger joint. On that note, I’m going to stop right there because I lack the comedy chops to come up with a better punchline than Jennifer Love Hewitt playing bingo at a burger joint and then leaving with a tranny. I literally wept from its presence.

Jennifer Love Hewitt Finally Found a Man

Source: Celebrity Gossip

Sofia Vergara’s Probably Pregnant

11:13 PM

Sofia Vergara’s Probably Pregnant - If you’re like me, you spend a lot of time alone crossing your fingers and praying for Sofia Vergara‘s breasts to somehow get even more awesome. Hell, sometimes I even try voodoo which I’m going to tell myself worked because here she is shopping for prenatal vitamins yesterday. While this could mean any number of things, I like to believe nine months from now a baby is going to be swatted out of a nurse’s hands and replaced with me in a bonnet. “Here’s your beautiful baby boy, Ms. Vergara! He’s, uh, he’s a little big for his age and asked if I validate, but each child is like a snowfla- You know what? He’s not gonna stop that crying until you feed him. I’ll come back.”

Sofia Vergara’s Probably Pregnant

Source: Celebrity Gossip

Sarah Palin Used To Do Coke, Black Guys

12:06 PM

Sarah Palin Used To Do Coke, Black Guys - Putting her opposition to Obama in perspective, Sarah Palin reportedly banged basketball star, and more importantly to her fanbase, not-white guy Glen Rice shortly before marrying Todd and becoming snowmobiling cokeheads. So basically the most believable shit you’ll ever read in your life. RadarOnline reports:

The book, which is due to be published on September 20, alleges that just one year before she eloped with Todd, Sarah enjoyed a steamy interracial one-night stand with 6-foot-8 basketball great, Glen Rice. Sarah is said to have met the sportsman in 1987 when he was playing a college basketball tournament in Alaska and she was working as a sports reporter for local station KTUU.
The book also charges that before she became Alaska Governor, both Sarah and Todd dabbled in cocaine use and claims she was once seen snorting the drug off an overturned 55-gallon oil drum while snowmobiling with friends.

Sarah Palin Used To Do Coke, Black Guys

I love how this book tries to portray Sarah Palin as such an out-of-control, oil-loving Scarface that she feels the need to snort blow off a fucking drum of crude. Granted, it could all be completely true because who doesn’t love black penis? but there seems to be a lot of reaching going on here. Notably the parts where nothing gets shot from a helicopter while palming out another baby in front of a nine month old. You’ve got to know your characters, is all I’m saying. That said, I may have added captions presupposing we live in a world where Sarah Palin secretly craves the deep chocolate with a side of pure Colombian. You’ve got to reach for that low-hanging fruit, is also something I say.

Source: Celebrity Gossip

Amanda Seyfried Called Us All Homos

11:29 AM

Amanda Seyfried Called Us All Homos - Seen here in the latest issue of W Magazine to promote In Time, Amanda Seyfried can’t believe she made out with Megan Fox in Jennifer’s Body, and none of us Nancy boys showed up for it. (In my defense, I was hemming a skirt.):

Jennifer’s Body is my favorite movie that I’ve done. It was overlooked in theaters, but it does have a DVD following. I can’t believe nobody wanted to see Megan Fox and me hitting it. They had an extreme close-up of our tongues, and I’m telling you, the thing about the scene is that it’s actually really sexy. For a young girl to say that about her own sex scene—it must be because it’s special. I think Megan and I kissed really well together. We have similar kissing styles and it worked. We got it done for the masses, and the masses still didn’t show up.

Amanda Seyfried Called Us All Homos

In all honesty, this is the literally the best marketing I’ve ever seen for any movie in the history of movie marketing. I finished that paragraph and genuinely felt like less of a man, and will continue to do so until I force myself to watch Jennifer’s Body with all its promises of lesbian hitting. On the flip side of that coin, I defy anyone with a penis to name the title of the movie Amanda was supposed to be promoting without scrolling up. I’m going with Big-Eyed Jane: A Tale of Referees Reading Newspapers. (I cheated and looked at the photo.)

Source: Celebrity Gossip



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